好比烧一壶水还没烧开就把水壶端下来却又偏不死心次次都这么烧受够了这样一边温吞还一边咬牙使劲的电影但这不就是沉默的亚裔在美国尴尬的肖像又是当下美国一心怯弱却又假作饱经风霜的独立电影们的写照吗本片和《污污》一样骨子里都是一部潜在的MAGA电影(想想开头对里根和农民的指涉男女一对一免费视频是的多么讽刺恰恰在这一年或许它帮我们解释了川普在移民中选票的上升)但它们的内心却都未敢拥有改变现状的渴望水芹菜和赵婷片尾的“see you down the road”如出一辙正是旧日的土地和未来的愿景尽皆失去后一句自怜自艾隔靴搔痒的假想:一把火已经烧到了国会山为什么我们还需要这样的电影
Not a satire, certainly not a shitshow either, just an honest representation of how corruptive and exploitative the industry is. Its extensive, unreserved use of nudity and sexual scenes doesn't stop at being scandalous but go past it to urge the audience to avert their gaze. Showing something is not equal to being something - it can be the exact opposite. Showgirls accomplished this simply by being honest - no preaching, no evasions - the way it's handled is so succinct and effortless it's marvelous to see. And the fact that the leading actress was subsequently dropped by her agent and rejected by others - isn't that the most powerful and ironic vindication of how true the film actually is?