- Honey,I know you think being pretty seems like the most important thing in the world right now.But believe me,it's not.- You were a model.- Yes,I was.And my whole life,people told me how pretty I was.So you know what?I never thought I had to work hard in school.Or work on frien
跟第一部一样被很好听的主题曲给拐进来的……还有第三部哟自慰每次看都处于极度脸盲的状态故事背景场景是欧美中世纪其中还有大量漫画/游戏里才会出现的魔幻场景所以理解不肯拍真人版电影的原因但是这真人 CG 实在是……拍成 2D / 3D 动画没准故事能更好地被表达FateFateFate
A women‘s epic. But I still cant get over that even in this film, castration is forbidden as well, Antonia has to use some witch's curse to cast out rapist, the last revenge has to belong to men.