A-. 终于明白“You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes”是怎样令人窒息的英俊受时代所限当然是传统男子气概和家庭观念的胜利但詹姆斯·迪恩破碎而柔情的美却是超越时代的就像天文馆的星星、尼古拉斯·雷镜头下的眩晕和永远萦绕的存在主义焦虑而这种本质上的虚无黑帮少爷爱上我在线观看也是它为何能作为边缘者的精神符号直至今天“Not ready to come out yet?” 因为外面的世界太亮了
Michael Nyman的弦乐曲搭配奇异特写不错全片浓浓的“男的不行”气息(‘The men are children who cannot function as civilized adults without a woman telling them what to do, which highlights and mocks stereotypes that are dangerous to the men as well as the women.’)...