so many elements beyond bouldering, equally precious, yet still focus on bouldering.
1.喜欢这种“阴阳怪气”即使它不新鲜能把我从世俗中拔出站在高维去看这欧做爰XXXⅩ性欧美小说的设定此外很多隐喻和台词也挺有意思适用面极广比如Raise the child and be released比如I‘ve never had a dream.比如Because that’s nature.That’s just the way things are.比如If they don’t want it to die, they’ll come for it. It’s up to them. 比如What lovely sky we have.Prefect, sickening, little clouds.2.很喜欢这部的摄制每一帧构图都赏心悦目精致到细节而怪诞部分确实像玛格丽特的风格