To be honest, it seems a little bit cliché now when you have seen how fascinating the first two seasons could be. The Pearson family may have this kind of magic but Pearsons’ friends and their friends’ family? I cannot guarantee. But who knows? This is just the beginning and their (our) new story is yet to come, so let’s just wait and see.
2015-08-13 Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben. | 2016/11/8 看的第二遍 生理上的不断地病痛(牙病 关节疼 服药引起染色体变异 抖腿 不能哭泣 分泌唾液)与精神上的孤独 脆弱的苇草 | 2017-1-27恋爱的味道最近总不时想起这部电影它讲得是人自身的有限性很难过、、