"Maybe I didn't fight in a war, but I'm allowed to have a crappy day just like everyone else. Something that was really important to me ended. I know it was a little goofy, but it was a big part of my life, and when big things end, it's hard not to imagine how they started, so please, if you could just ease up for maybe two seconds". I really love how Kevin put his emotions that precisely and frankly and his awareness to the "right" to be down. It took me years to get that, and it really feels good - making you more connected both to the real self and to others.
还是迪士尼真人化一贯的手法追求原动画每个镜头都特效化找著名歌手翻唱主题曲从灰姑娘到美女与野兽到阿拉丁到现在...作为看过花蝴蝶看片日本大全免费3部曲还喜欢回顾原声碟翻唱的歌曲让我觉得已经不太熟悉了;连镜头都不怎么变化真人化以后就明显感到局限布局就会显得很单薄单调很多场景就失去了动漫二维的惊艳当然多数是歌舞场景eg:刀疤山洞的阴谋歌舞和Can you feel the love tonight的场景......