"The true artist would let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother drudge for his living at 70, sooner than work at anything but his art. To women he is half vivisector, half vampire." - Man and Superman
伍迪艾伦是真喜欢"what's my line?"啊在傻瓜入狱记里就调侃过一句了这里直接改了一段"what's my perversion?"...
非常好看这是我的本季、年度心水了心情低落的时候都可以被那句the category is live work pose给唤醒他说之所以想同angel在一起是因为她true此时我内心狂点头敢爱敢恨、biao气冲天、又mean又kind贫民窟的生活也能精致美丽极了我穿着运动服披头散发坐在办公室图书馆一边叹dating不顺又boring一边缩在我的龟壳艳乳欲妇秦可卿H也有某个时刻想像他们一样燃起激情啊我内心也有个pretty girl啊毒舌唾沫星里也能自信燃烧的drag queen啊
James Dean真的帅爆了啊反传统的剧情看着还有点不适应剧本透着浓浓的青春的躁郁母亲下楼梯处的主观镜头很棒经历过世事“无父之子”终为父