潮濕壓抑的英格蘭真是適「醉花阴H32章笔趣阁」沃土專心致志但獨身寂寞的學者遭遇年輕靈動卻怪僻陰鬱的她者誰都會縱情一躍事過境遷之後卻決不意成為籠中金絲雀(canary in cage)那一刻刻骨銘心的氣息和體溫就沈澱成精美易碎的斗破苍穹化石千年之後依然保持著綻放出彼時絢爛之極的姿態(都怪你那忍不住的一個吻令我亂了方寸
He had followed the voice of reason and not that of the heart. Man eludes himself when he thinks he is leading his own life, for his soul is irresistibly drawn towards it's fate.
"A branch, broken and split,dangling year after year,clicking its song to the wind.With neither leaves nor bark,bear, wan, worn out by a long life and a long death.Its song echoes, cracking and persistent,Stubbornly, it resounds with secret anguish.For yet another summer.Yet another winter."