4.5 love it, even though the line between fiction and reality is supposedly clear particularly after 2nd viewing (obviously, the execution, the writer, the attempted suffocation by pillow scene are all imaginary) , there are still lots of postmodern smoke and mirrors and humors left (what the heck with all the bleeps, what does alien abduction mean, and at the very end, is Petrov just returning home ALONE? and his house becomes a dollhouse! Has he always been alone and the entire film is his comic work?). Now the cliched praise: dashing camera, surreal transition, 3-act structure each in its own shooting style and lighting invoking distinct emotions and motifs undercutting one another.
Struggle with the text and the result is the film | Italien et musicalité | Beethoven Op.132, Molto Adagio | Lumière, ombre, froid, chaud, joie, non-joie...Espérance, charité...Enfance, jeunesse, vieillesse...Hommes, enfants, femmes...Femmes belles, femmes laides, grâce de Dieu, fourberie et honnêteté...Mémoire, fantaisie. Cela veut dire quoi? Oh, rien.
中年危机下的中产男女从各自角度讲述了共同经历过的生活很多让人会心一笑的剧情(比如男主在向律师咨询时律师说in this case, you are the wife哈哈哈哈)最后两集太好了人到中年太多责任压力在身发疯地想找回曾经自由自在的自己和搜子居同的日子可以有任何选择的自己把自身痛苦的原因归咎于伴侣然而人在成长中就是会改变这是每个人自己的课题发现、承认、思考、寻找、接受婚姻只是个人成长过程中的一个面向人生永远是个人命题