In the final instalment of the Godfather Trilogy, an aging Don Michael Corleone seeks to legitimize his crime family's interests and remove himself from the violent underworld but is kept back by the ambitions of the young. While he attempts to link the C
66年同性恋在美国仍然要坐牢集体式沉默哇哦cia和mob合作omg...X-Man!!!black ops!!!59年这个喇嘛general Ymanipulated Vietnam war...cuba_mongoose...ppl are suckers of truth...let the justice be done,wikileaks!!!哇60年代好疯狂generation rotted...we all live in a lies...chickened out,one of them...哇哦竟然想把他也陷害成homos好直接抓捕他what a judge...能在电影院屏幕stage那边指认Oswald...