你触碰过我的心脏吗那是曾为你跳动的地方 我们在青葱岁月里相爱走上分道扬镳的道路到人生迟暮成为各自领域势均力敌的领袖拥有了一切别人尊敬你仰慕你畏惧你“现在还有谁会爱你呢”没人见过全部的你朝歌风云除了我但这爱早已奄奄一息 彼此深爱过的人总像一根刺扎在心中最特别的位置无可取代直至我与我心爱之人皆坠于高塔 For the greater good. For G.G. 感觉就是前面画了一堆悬念大饼但就乏味流水账 不过青梅竹马到老头这种恋爱剧情还是多少能让人感动到吧
Aguirre is another great example of what cinema is best at, creating a "progression of moods and feelings" (Kubrick) like music rather than fiction. You understand the film on a visceral level, by what you feel more than the plot details.