ok i know this is about fighting for the gay rights, but this show is fucked up! miss honey is into some ethnic trade, she likes them so much she had to adopt one (who's really bad at acting btw). and the other qween, who's been super insecure about her life for the past 15 yrs or so LITERALLY dropped dead at the end. miss honey didn't even drop a tear and then she's just decided to carry on with a nurse dude... i was like, girl this is just too many things! #badediting #baddrama
Joel kinnaman辣到让人想推倒背着unicorn小书包萌到让人再次想推到多一星都给男主女主演员渣到想blow her fking stack out还有什么blade runnerinterstellar诺兰攻壳等等脑残粉不爱看没人逼你们看yasee最新官网是个科幻就要蹦出来说人家抄你家神作你们不嫌烦别人还嫌碍眼秀下限也有个度好不