I think when you walk in to a Disney feature you expected it to be emotionally safe in this Disney bubble or filter of the world outside however this show kinda flip my expectations in a good way and I like how they still manage to stay in that happy bubble in the end in a logical and heartwarming way.
很喜欢大篇幅长镜头的缓慢推进、迷幻的构图与打光和配乐所营造出的孤寂感 想到了村上春树在Kalfka on the Shore里所说的"silence is something you can actually hear" 镜头语言应该是本片赢得柏林电影节泰迪熊奖最佳剧情长片的重要原因之一 但故事的吸引力反而相形见绌 尤其在以LGBTQ+为主题的SHQFF上观看 相信结束了很多人都没发现女主是跨性别者 关于存在、认同的思考也因此大打折扣 说明叙事上还是存在很大问题的