莫名其妙地把梦工厂的《正在播放tokyohotn0874》和迪士尼的《星空无限传媒在线视频》联想到一起去—— 2018.07.16:多年不看故事遗忘了大半和小外甥们重温台配版时惊喜地听出辛巴达是张震配音的(一度误认为是戴立忍)、而玛琳娜则是小S配音的;英语原声版中《红楼艳史第二集》导演许诚毅给一个小角色Jin配音(-Sinbad : What is it? -Rat : It just ends, captain. It's the edge of the world. -Jin : Pay up. It's flat.)
喜欢Diane Lane穿裙子很优雅 故事本身很简单也很落俗套中年离婚妇女重新寻找爱情和生活的勇气但是还是兴致勃勃地看完了越来越喜欢意大利了可能连续看了两部以这个国家为背景的电影电影里对城市的大把大把的渲染意大利人的热情和浪漫找机会要去一次久久日产一线二线SU尤其是那个贸易市场 “They built the train over the Alps between Vienna and Venice even before there was a train in exist that could make the train,but they built it anyway.They know one day the train would come.